De Big van het regiment
Muu nimi/muut nimet: Weg met die ruzie en strijd allemaal
Vuosi: 1935
Kesto: 01:41:00
Kuvaus: Comedy about a case of espionage in an army regiment. 'A lot of jokes, exploding cigars and noise', and 'pure entertainment', said the critics when the army comedy De big van het regiment, directed by German immigrant Mox Nosseck, was first shown. The screenplay was adapted from the detective novel 'Spionnage in het veldleger' (Espionage in the field army) by lawyer and writer Anton Roothaert, who went on to write the Doctor Vlimmen trilogy. Producer M. A. Sprecher and director Nosseck transformed the story into an audience-friendly comedy about army life in a regiment that is supposed to guard the border between the Netherlands and Belgium. Stars like Frits van Dongen, Fien de la Mar and Johan Kaart drew large audiences, as did the songs by, among others, Jacques van Tol and Max Tak. Rootheart visited the Cinetone Studio's and later wrote De camera loopt (The camera is running), a fascinating insight into the Dutch film world of the 1930s.
Avainsanat: 6 maart 1935 / 19 april 1935 / 27 september 1940 / 30 juli 1940 / EFG1914 / World War I
Sisältölähde: EYE Filmmuseum (The Netherlands)
Oikeudet: In Copyright - EU Orphan Work
Tuotantoyhtiö: Monopole-DLS (Rotterdam)
Ohjaaja: Max Nosseck
Related Names
- Louis H. Chrispijn sr | Actor
- Marcel Myin | Actor
- Mientje van Kerckhoven - Kling | Actor
- Marinus Wolzak | Actor
- Anton Roemer | Actor
- Theo van der Lugt | Actor
- Eugénie Krix | Actor
- Coba Kinsbergen | Actor
- Jan Holtrop | Actor
- Charles Gilhuys | Actor
- Lau Ezerman | Actor
- Theo Frenkel jr | Actor
- Ansje van Dommelen - Kapper | Actor
- Jan van Dommelen | Actor
- Louis van Dommelen | Actor
- Christine Chrispijn - van Meeteren | Actor
- Jan Buderman | Actor
- Annie Bos | Actor
- Maurits H. Binger | Producer
- Louis H. Chrispijn sr | Screenplay
- D.H. Michels | Make-up artist
- Theo van der Lugt | Set decorator
- D.H. Michels | Hairdresser
- Henri Metman | Director of photography
- Louis H. Chrispijn sr | Director
- Frederik Hendrik Oranje-Nassau | personage (historisch)
- Louise Coligny | personage (historisch)
- Balthasar Gerards | personage (historisch)
- Maurits Oranje-Nassau | personage (historisch)
- Margaretha Parma | personage (historisch)
- Willem Oranje | personage (historisch)
- Juliana Stolberg | personage (historisch)